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Production Management System

Enhancing production operations in factories

Key Features

Production Line Tracking

Track and manage multiple production lines as needed.

Real-Time Display

Display current production data on production line screens in real time.

Break Time Management

Easily define and manage break times for workers.

Hourly Production Data Entry

Enter hourly production data to ensure information accuracy.

Alerts and Notifications

Send information about production needs such as technical issues, material shortages, or labor shortages.

Screen and Worker Management

Manage all screens and workers on production lines.

Continuous Production Updates

Continuously update production information to keep up with developments.

Critical Production Information

Provide essential data such as the number of pieces produced, required pieces, remaining production time, and required pieces per hour to meet deadlines.

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Brand Description

The Production Management System is a comprehensive application designed to enhance production operations in factories. By providing efficient and direct tracking tools, users can significantly monitor and improve production efficiency. The app displays real-time information and allows flexible management of break times and crucial alerts to ensure smooth workflow.

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